Monthly Archives: January 2014


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE: To work the legs, with special emphasis on the thighs. Front Squats develop the outside sweep of the quadriceps. EXECUTION: (1) Step up to the rack, bring your arms up under the bar, keeping the elbows high, cross your arms and grasp the bar with your hands to control it. Then lift […]


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE: To develop the quadriceps. When you do Squats on a machine, you can work the thighs intensely while putting less strain on other areas such as the knees and lower back. There are a number of machines designed to approximate the Squat movement. They use a variety of techniques to create resistance, […]


PURPOSE OF EXERCISE: To build mass and strength in the legs, especially the thighs. Full Squats are one of the traditional mass-building exercises for the entire lower body but are primarily for developing all four heads of the quadriceps. EXECUTION: (1) With the barbell on a rack, step under it so that it rests across […]

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