Rules for building your meals
Sometimes it is hard to make the exact amount of protein , carbs, and fats fit into a meal that is quick, delicious, and convenient to make. There may always be an imbalance ( eg. meal might require 40gr carbs , 40 gr protein , 20 gr fats . But you can only get it to 30gr carbs , 50 gr protein , 20 gr fats) So here are some guidelines for trade offs that you are allowed to make ,during either fat loss phases, or mass gaining phases.
Tip to remember while reading the following
1gr fat= 9 calories
1gr protein = 4 calories
1gr carbohydrate = 4 calories
Meal building Rules during Fat Loss
(1) Do not exceed calories of your meal plan!
The energy content of meals are what determine how much fuel your body has and if there is too much fuel then it has no need to burn the reserve( fat) ! and may even store some for later if too much is left over ! If a meal went over its allotted calories, be prepared to compensate by reducing calories at another meal!
(2) If a meal met the calories but contained too many carbs , eat another meal that day with more protein and fat to bring balance to your overall day ratios.
A busy day with rushing can mean sometimes you may not have enough time to prepare a proper meal. If you know you have exceeded your allotted carbs for a certain meal. Compensate by eating a higher protein meal later that day.
(3) When having problems building the meals, fat and protein can replace carbs.
So if your meal was supposed to have 40 gr protein,40 gr carbs, and 20 gr fat. During a fat loss phase, it is more advantageous to eat less carbs than more. So if a meal has the correct amount of calories, but there was 10 grams too much protein and 10 grams too little carbs, this is acceptable. Too many carbs is less acceptable due to the insulin spikes it creates which promote fat gain.
(4) Fat is not your enemy!
Good fats like those found in avocado, almonds, peanut butter, and fish do NOT make you fat. They actually help your body use the fat it has stored. This does not mean you should eat all the fat you want, but if you have the choice between almonds and fruit, take the almonds! Sugars can be stored as fat much faster than fat itself.
Meal building Rules during Lean Muscle Gain
(1) At least meet your calorie requirements every meal and slightly exceed them if necessary!
The only way that the body is able to build tissue is when it has protein, fats, and carbs left over to build. like before, if you know you did not eat enough at certain meals. Try to slightly compensate with a bigger meal. This being said, this sheet is designed to allow you to gain as lean as possible. So exceeding the recommended meal sizes will mean higher fat gain!
(2) Get at least the required amount of protein for every meal , and for your daily total!
You may get enough calories, or even exceed the amount of calories you burn . But your body needs enough of those calories to come from its primary building block which is protein. While lean bulking a high amount of protein is needed! Try making lean muscle gains on a pure carbohydrate diet NOT
(3)Try to eat some healthy cholesterol’s to help in the maintenance of hormone levels!
Best source would be 1-2 egg yellows a day! I personally always have two whole eggs in my morning pancake. Egg yellos help with testosterone and estrogen production. They also help reduce cellulite for the women!
(4) If a meal met the calories but contained too many carbs , eat another meal that day with more protein and fat to bring balance to your overall day ratios.
A busy day with rushing can mean sometimes you may not have enough time to prepare a proper meal. If you know you have exceeded your allotted carbs for a certain meal. Compensate by eating a higher protein meal later that day.
(5) Fat is not your enemy!
Good fats like those found in avocado, almonds, peanut butter, and fish do NOT make you fat. They actually help your body use the fat it has stored and help keep your hormone levels at their optimum. This does not mean you should eat all the fat you want, but if you have the choice between almonds and fruit, take the almonds! Sugars can be stored as fat much faster than fat itself.